Sunday, January 4, 2015

Running List--New and Improved!

While I really enjoyed creating my list of #30before30, and believe it shows me at a point in time, as I'm attempting to accomplish some of these items, I don't feel connected to some of them anymore. Therefore, with the start of a new year, I've decided to update some of my items. I've noted progress on items I've progressed on, and updated those I cared to update. 

1. Get married
2. Own a house--possibly completed!!
3. Go to Canada
4. Vacation with white sands and blue water
5. Start my career--started, love, and in progress!
6. Run a 5k--Half marathon trained for, ran, and COMPLETED!

7. Get published--satisfied, but still striving!
8. Go on a mission-type trip
9. Go zip-lining
10. Buy a car
11. Learn to golf--in progress; slowly but surely!
12. Visit Finland Europe (again)
13. Go to STL World Series/Playoff game
14. Get a pet!--COMPLETED!
15. Learn to ride a motorcycle  ?
16. Create a "Year in the Life" of pictures--COMPLETED!
17. Visit DC New England for extended vacation
18. Cook the majority of a holiday meal--COMPLETED!
19. Learn to successfully curl my hair
20. Own every Dr. Seuss book published
21. Pay off all undergraduate student loans--making good progress!
22. Be credit card/debt free--continually monitored, but success so far!
23. Purchase the "Happiness Bucket" books
24. Tour the White House--COMPLETED!!
25. Go to Disney World/Disney Land
26. Learn to ski/snowboard
27. Go to Convention--COMPLETED!
28. Become a certified fitness instructor
29. Go rock climbing
30. Try to enjoy the NBA--in progress!

Cheers to 2015!