Sunday, September 7, 2014

#22. Be Credit Card Debt Free

When I made my list, I felt like I was drowning in debt from my student loans and credit cards. As mentioned last month, I wasn't making much when I wrote my list, and was still living like I made more than I did. Not the smartest way to spend your mid-twenties, but I almost think it's a rite of passage for many.

As one of my first financial goals when I started working full-time, I'm happy to report that my credit cards no longer have roll-over debt, and haven't since January. While this may seem like a small accomplishment, it's a state I wasn't in for many years prior to January, and am happy to have stayed in since. I do still use my credit cards, but on a MUCH smaller scale and with the ability to pay it off each month.

It's a glorious feeling, and one I hope I continue to experience! As of now, this is marked off my list, however, it is a constant goal to be monitored...

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