Sunday, June 1, 2014

#6. Run a 5k

For this one, I went a little above and beyond. When I made my list, I was a very infrequent exerciser--and when I did, it wasn't usually anything cardio-related. However, knowing I was tremendously out of shape (from where I could and should be), I added a 5k to my list.

Then I became friends with so many runners, and watched all of my friends compete and complete 5ks, half- and full-marathons, that I wanted in on the action. A bought me running shoes for graduation, and I slowly started running and training for a 5k; I figured once I graduated I needed a hobby, and preferably one that got me into shape! However, picking up a new hobby isn't easy, if you're not dedicated...

So as a part of a 2013 Black Friday Sale (in November), I registered to run a half-marathon (in May 2014). Nothing like putting money down on a race you're nowhere close to prepared for, to give you motivation! I did a little research and planned out my training schedule; 16 weeks of running all leading up to Memorial Day Weekend.

And then Indiana winter hit...while the snow didn't trap me indoors so I couldn't run at the gym, it did severely drain my motivation to get started. Once I got started, life kept intervening, making it difficult to get my runs in as I should. All of which are merely excuses attempting to explain why I wasn't ready for my run last weekend. But I'm proud to say, I can happily mark this item as off my list, as I ran in the 2014 Go Girl Half-Marathon May 2014...

...and finished.

I overcame my excuses, incomplete training, and mental barriers all to get a medal the size of my face.

And it was completely worth it.

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