Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The List, Part II

Still counting backwards, we've got numbers 20-24 below.

21. Pay off all undergraduate student loans
          While this seems ambitious (as most loans are set up for 10 year repayment, and I haven't officially started my repayment yet), I also feel like I can do it. Maybe. It's a good goal to have and work towards. Plus, it's be really nice to accomplish this one in order to help me with the next one...

22. Be credit card/debt free
          Right now, at 25 and living right at (if not above) my means, this one also seems ambitious. While the original goal was to be debt free, I'm also hoping to add to my assets by the time I'm 30, and I fully realize those things may not be paid off. Ideally, if I accomplish #21 and don't have undergraduate loans, I'd like to also not be using my credit cards to live, but rather to put big purchases on to build points. If I can manage this when I turn 30, I'll consider this accomplished.

23. Purchase/own the "Happiness Bucket" books
          Along with my somewhat child-focused desire to own Dr. Seuss books, I've also added a series of three (or more) books about teaching children to be kind to those around them. While I think I've gotten the gist of being kind to people, having little inspirational books is a little thing of mine. Plus, I was running low on ideas at this time...

24. Tour the White House
          I don't anticipate ever having "in-house" connections again, but I'd really love to go to D.C. to explore and act like a tourist! And what better way to be a tourist, than to see the White House?! There are plenty other landmarks I'd love to see (those requiring advanced notice and not), but seeing the White House (and also getting a picture in the press room) would be fabulous!

25. Go to Disney World/Disney Land
          I'd prefer to go to Disney World. Let's be real; how can you say no to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter? I'm not even sure this needs any more explanation...

...more to come!

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