Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The List, Part III

I think the idea of planning my list to come out with five items each week was genius, if I can say so! Gives me a reasonable goal to post weekly, a topic to post about, and enough weeks of posting to get me through the period where I'm doubting events will happen! Plus, I can schedule them in advance--because as this is being published, I'm currently about to land in D.C. And before you ask, no, it doesn't count for the White House tour or for #17 below. It's not quite that extended of a vacation. And with that, 16 thru 20...

16. Create a 'Year in the Life' of pictures
           I had a friend who found a blog/pin of an individual who created a 'year' scarf; one row each day to match the color of the sky. While this won't be that crafty, I do wanna take a year and set out to capture every day in a picture. However, if that is beginning to look unlikely, (or I keep forgetting), I'll settle for a years worth of pictures, documenting each day of a month. (i.e., set the goal to document each month, day by day, to total a year...)

17. Visit D.C. for an extended vacation
           As mentioned, this trip doesn't count--two days isn't "extended", no matter how long of a time it seems to be away from work! I know it would be nearly impossible to see everything DC has to offer, but there are some typical (and not so typical) touristy things I'd like to do. Plus, it just seems so beautiful!

18. Cook the majority of a holiday meal
          I'm sure when I'm older the job of cooking a holiday meal will fall to my generation, and even possibly me. Therefore, before I hit that point, I wanna make sure I can do it! By majority of a meal, I mean a meat and a couple of sides. My family is quite large at holidays, and we always have way too much food. I don't mean a majority of the food provided, but the majority of a normal sized meal...

19. Learn to successfully curl my hair. In a reasonable amount of time.
          My current hair styling ability is straightening and leaving it down, or pulling it back. Such variety, I know. My hair can curl, however, I cannot manage to curl it. I'd love to become successful at fixing it with curls, and even to have the ability to wear it curly occasionally (when the occasion isn't me being with my friends who can fix it).

20. Own every Dr. Seuss book published
          I alluded to this earlier, when I mentioned the Happiness Bucket books, but it has been a goal of mine to own every Seuss book. While in undergrad, I used to go buy books when I was having a bad day. And what brightens a day more than silly pictures, with sillier words, all that can teach valuable lessons? At some point (in the near future) I'll organize what I have and create a list of books to get and keep that updated for the next few years!

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