Sunday, December 7, 2014

#16. Create a "Year in the Life" of pictures

This may have been one of the hardest goals I put on my list--or at least, one that required the most diligence and motivation. I wanted to take a picture every day of a year and put it together into a book to keep and have the ability to look back onto and remember experiences more clearly.

It was not easy by any means. It was tough to continue to think of items to take a picture of, or to be creative at the end of the day when I realized I had forgotten to capture anything. But it was completely worth it.

As the year is not yet over, I am not yet done. However, I've made it 11 months, and so I'm not worried about the last month. Consider this checked off, proud accomplishment, and maybe just a keeper for future years.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

#5. Start my Career

October marks the beginning of my second year working for Indiana University. Thanks to a great mentor at MU, and my persistent (and ever widening) job hunt, I landed a wonderful position to start my career. I get to work with amazing people, continuously learn and grow, help people who are helping their communities, and make pretty decent money while I'm at it. I don't think it's where I want to stay forever, but I'm happy knowing I'm working hard and making a difference.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

#22. Be Credit Card Debt Free

When I made my list, I felt like I was drowning in debt from my student loans and credit cards. As mentioned last month, I wasn't making much when I wrote my list, and was still living like I made more than I did. Not the smartest way to spend your mid-twenties, but I almost think it's a rite of passage for many.

As one of my first financial goals when I started working full-time, I'm happy to report that my credit cards no longer have roll-over debt, and haven't since January. While this may seem like a small accomplishment, it's a state I wasn't in for many years prior to January, and am happy to have stayed in since. I do still use my credit cards, but on a MUCH smaller scale and with the ability to pay it off each month.

It's a glorious feeling, and one I hope I continue to experience! As of now, this is marked off my list, however, it is a constant goal to be monitored...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

#21. Pay off all student loans

This was one of my more ambitious goals I set at 25 while in school and making about $1000/month; pay off nearly $40,000 (and growing) in student loans.

I had been making small payments to my loans after graduating from Missouri State (and realizing the growing debt I was in), but making about $1000 per month doesn't allow for much extra money for knocking out a large amount of debt. After graduating from MU, finding a job, and realizing how exciting it is to have a real job (with a respectable income and benefits), I've made tremendous strides towards this goal. I'm nearing my one-year anniversary of having a "big-kid" job, and in the past year, I've managed to pay off one of my student loans completely, and make a respectable dent in the others. It's definitely still in progress, but seeming more possible to reach by 30 every month.

Here's to continuing the progress in the next year!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

#6. Run a 5k

For this one, I went a little above and beyond. When I made my list, I was a very infrequent exerciser--and when I did, it wasn't usually anything cardio-related. However, knowing I was tremendously out of shape (from where I could and should be), I added a 5k to my list.

Then I became friends with so many runners, and watched all of my friends compete and complete 5ks, half- and full-marathons, that I wanted in on the action. A bought me running shoes for graduation, and I slowly started running and training for a 5k; I figured once I graduated I needed a hobby, and preferably one that got me into shape! However, picking up a new hobby isn't easy, if you're not dedicated...

So as a part of a 2013 Black Friday Sale (in November), I registered to run a half-marathon (in May 2014). Nothing like putting money down on a race you're nowhere close to prepared for, to give you motivation! I did a little research and planned out my training schedule; 16 weeks of running all leading up to Memorial Day Weekend.

And then Indiana winter hit...while the snow didn't trap me indoors so I couldn't run at the gym, it did severely drain my motivation to get started. Once I got started, life kept intervening, making it difficult to get my runs in as I should. All of which are merely excuses attempting to explain why I wasn't ready for my run last weekend. But I'm proud to say, I can happily mark this item as off my list, as I ran in the 2014 Go Girl Half-Marathon May 2014...

...and finished.

I overcame my excuses, incomplete training, and mental barriers all to get a medal the size of my face.

And it was completely worth it.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

#7. Get Published

I have high hopes that I am able to do more to cross this off more definitely, however, I have worked hard to accomplish the minimum, so I'm marking it as progress.

When I started working at MU, publishing data briefs was on the wish list for my predecessor and both of my supervisors. I spent my first year treading water and adding to the wish list, so my second year I could start crossing items off. While I'm proud of my time at MU, my proudest accomplishment was the publication of eighteen data-briefs using the surveys I implemented and analyzed. I did not write them all, although I did write a majority, but I truly believe they wouldn't have happened without me (toot, toot, I know).

But perhaps the best part of this accomplishment, is that it didn't end after I left. July marks the end of the first year of my replacement, and I'm happy that they've accomplished another year of published data-briefs. Hopefully, this is an accomplishment that continues in the years to come!

(And for the shameless plug, if you're interested in learning more about College Students in Missouri, check out

Sunday, April 6, 2014

#18. Cook the Majority of a Holiday Meal

After making my list the summer of 2012, I checked several items off pretty quickly. One of which was making my first holiday meal (with help from A) Thanksgiving 2012.

Since I had the whole week of Thanksgiving off from school (and mostly work), and he didn't have many vacation days, it was decided that I would come to Indiana and we'd spend Thanksgiving "just the two of us" for the first time.

Since we tend to be a pretty good team, our first Thanksgiving on our own was a team effort--a delicious effort, I might add!

After re-locating to Indiana, we ran into the same issue this past Thanksgiving--me with many days off, and us not wanting him to use his precious few to go back to Missouri for the Holiday. Instead, we had his parents come mid-month for a visit (and "holiday meal") and my parents for the actual holiday. As such, since creating my list, I've marked this item off several times--each one delicious and not too-disasterous.

Here's to hoping that streak holds for many more years!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

#14. Get a pet

It has taken me awhile to go back through my list and write about items I've checked off, and as such, I've had this one crossed off for over a year.

December 2012 (almost January 2013), I convinced A that I needed to have a pet to welcome me home, and to give me a reason to go home and not work 12+ hour days. After much searching, and multiple visits to the various sites Columbia Second Chance had cats, I (on a fluke) found my perfect feline companion.

Miss Muffet was at the CSC Adoption Center outside of Columbia on I-70, but in a "quarantined" room because she was having stomach issues. However, I didn't know the room was one full of cats not ready to be adopted! She was so calm, friendly, and soft that I felt bad leaving! I was a little nervous, as I had started my search a little early and was worried she (or one of the others I liked) would be adopted out before I was able to take A with me to meet all of them.

My fears were a little warranted; of the seven I had wanted A to meet, four of them were adopted a month later when I took him to meet them. We started at PetSmart, and nearly adopted one there on the spot. She was friendly and playful, but I was worried she was a little too playful for my long-hour lifestyle. We headed out to the Adoption Center and little Miss Muffet appeared to remember me as she came and sat on my lap and purred her little heart out. I'm not sure if A liked her more, or just knew that I loved her, but we decided to take her home with us.

It took her a bit to warm up to us, and to some extent, I think she's still learning that she has a safe and loving home with us, but I like to think she's happy. We spent almost seven months in Columbia together, before I drugged her and moved her two states--a feat which she did not enjoy.

However, another eight months later, she seems to be quite happy and settled; she's got too many toys, meals on a regular schedule, and even a screened in deck to enjoy the outdoors.

We're all pretty lucky.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

#30. Try to enjoy the NBA

As a result of my recent relocation to the heart of the Hoosier state, I tacked this goal onto my list. While I don't profess to have fallen in love with the NBA (the MLB and Cardinals will always hold my heart), I'm beginning to enjoy it with each new game we attend.

For A's birthday, I bought us a package of tickets to watch the Indiana Pacers this season. I haven't been able to make all of the games I bought tickets for, but I have enjoyed going! While I could mark it off my list, as I do "enjoy" the games, I'm marking it as still "in progress"--why settle for "enjoying" when there's a whole world of excitement and fanaticism on the other end?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Starting 2014 Off Right

Sometimes, I set (too) lofty of goals to start with, and end up faltering before I get off the ground. Case in point, blogging. Ugh.

It's something I really love, but something that requires more time than I ever think about or acknowledge, causing me to keep starting and stopping.

So here's to another year (and another start), with hopefully not a stop in the near future!
