Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The List, Part VI

Okay, I know the top five are the most anticipated items. And I'll admit, I chickened out a little when I started my list, as most of these things are things that I really think will happen. Not necessarily adventurous, but still life-goals (and hopefully attainable life goals!).

1. Get married
     A actually joked about just running down to the courthouse today to cross this one off my list. Not going to lie, as it gets closer to unemployment and no insurance, it's looking better and better...
However, extenuating circumstances aside, I'd really rather have a wonderful, semi-small wedding with all the people I care about (and that care about me) there.

2. Own a house
     This one is a little more challenging, as it is predicated on actually finding a city/town to settle down in after graduation, in addition to being somewhat financially stable. But I think it can happen. And there's just so many great things that can come once I'm in someplace of my own--decorating, gardening, having a garage, and of course, a dog!

3. Go to Canada
     It seems odd that the country is so close and I've spent so long on Earth and not visited it. Shouldn't be too hard to check off, I wouldn't think...

4. Vacation at an all-inclusive resort. Preferably a beach somewhere beautiful with white sands and clear water
     I think this one goes without explaining...

5. Start my career
     After graduation, I hope to find a wonderful job, doing things that matter. I have a knack for numbers, analyzing data, and solving problems--I just hope I can find a good jump off to start doing all of the above for the foreseeable future...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The List, Part V

Had a slight hiccup with the past few posts not posting, but I think I've gotten it figured out. If there happened to be anyone out there who was just dying for the last few items, I'm sorry! (although, I'm sure I'm the only one who was really upset they didn't go out!)


6. Run a 5k
          I had several friends run in the 'Color Run' in KC this past summer. On my list was to run a 5k, but after seeing the pictures of their adventure, combined with reading about it, it sounds like too much fun to miss! I've heard that it took awhile to get the color out of your hair and skin, so maybe I'll think about running it in a hazamat suit with an over sized t-shirt (also, how the hell do you correctly spell 'Hazmat'? Blogger is telling me I misspelled it, but is not being helpful in offering suggestions...). I suppose any 5k will work, but seeing as how I easily get bored when working out, it'll need to be a fun one!

7. Get published
          Likely looking at writing a journal/research article for this one, as that's where my knowledge and higher chances lie. However, I'll take whatever! I'd like to be able to be published in something that people will read, not just something that people I know will read. I'm sure my 'rents will read anything I eventually get published, but it would be nice for someone out there I don't know to read something I wrote, because it was published. I think it can definitely happen, I just should probably get to work sooner rather than later...maybe after completing the job hunt? Or maybe complete this one before the job hunt begins?

8. Go on a mission-type trip to help others in a foreign country
          Considering I had once considered making this my life work (i.e., moving to Africa and working in a school/hospital/community to help others), it only seems right that it end up on my list. I don't necessarily want to/need to travel with a religiously-affiliated organization, however, those seem to be the likely conduit for the trip. I currently have friends living overseas, living this life, so I think I could easily follow their footsteps and do it for a few weeks or a month. Perhaps longer, but it's tough to go longer when you're scheduling around school, job hunting and career working...

9. Go zip-lining
         As afraid of heights as I can be, and as much as I hate roller coasters, there's something about zip-lining that intrigues me. I've done it once--on a very small course in central Missouri. However, the sights were purely trees and the rushing closeness of the guides. I'd like to go someplace a little more exciting (i.e., the Amazon!) but would settle for a different course in a different part of Missouri. I'd love to go skydiving too, but somehow I think I might not be able to get outta the seems to be a good alternative.

10. Buy a car
          After talking to A., this one may not be necessary to accomplish before 30. As much as I love Cinderelly, I have a feeling she will need to be traded in for a newer model within the next few years. And since that's likely to happen, I put it on my list with the intent to be able to afford one/be in a place to buy a car, and to get one that I want. However, it seems like I might not need to when it gets time to trade her in, so I suppose this goes with the debt item, and I want to be able to buy a car if I need to...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The List, Part IV

While I've had quite the adventure this past weekend, none of them fell completely within my list! No worries though, I hope to have more than 30 adventures the next five years...

11. Learn to Golf
          A is a good golfer, and has an incredibly strong swing (from what I can tell). Part of me wants to be able to be a golfing couple as we get older, but most of me just wants to wear the cute outfits and be able to back it up with at least a decent golf game. However, I am not the greatest sports learner, so it may take actual lessons from people who teach for a living, as opposed to lessons from A.

12. Visit Finland
          With one of the best education systems in the world (nerd, I know), plus being in a different portion of Europe, it's hard to not put it on my list. I have other countries I wanna go to, and will try to work in, if I ever make it to Europe (i.e., Italy & Spain for sure), but for now, the obsession is with Finland.

13. Go to a St. Louis Cardinals World Series (or playoff) game
          When I was in 8th grade, I joked with a friend that I wanted to be important enough to sit in the green seats behind home plate. Since I managed to accomplish that before I made my list (lucky slide), I've upped it to going to a playoff game. I'd like to go to the WS, but since playoffs are more plentiful, I'm aiming there first...

14. Get a pet!
          This is one of those givens; I'm sure in the next five years A and I will have at least one pet. However, I want one that I can pick out and is "mine", but I want to wait and make sure I'm in a good place before I get one. Ideally, I'd get one while living alone and finishing school, but that doesn't quite seem fair to the pet! We shall see...

15. Learn to ride a motorcycle
          I used to want to own a bike, likely more of a sports-bike, as opposed to a Harley. However, as I've gotten older, I'm not sure it's such a feasible idea. Also considering I don't have the strongest health or life insurance, it might not be the best idea. Plus, I kinda like not dying and being in accidents. That being said, I've really wanted to ride one since undergrad, so I'm taking it one step further and hoping to learn to ride one myself.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The List, Part III

I think the idea of planning my list to come out with five items each week was genius, if I can say so! Gives me a reasonable goal to post weekly, a topic to post about, and enough weeks of posting to get me through the period where I'm doubting events will happen! Plus, I can schedule them in advance--because as this is being published, I'm currently about to land in D.C. And before you ask, no, it doesn't count for the White House tour or for #17 below. It's not quite that extended of a vacation. And with that, 16 thru 20...

16. Create a 'Year in the Life' of pictures
           I had a friend who found a blog/pin of an individual who created a 'year' scarf; one row each day to match the color of the sky. While this won't be that crafty, I do wanna take a year and set out to capture every day in a picture. However, if that is beginning to look unlikely, (or I keep forgetting), I'll settle for a years worth of pictures, documenting each day of a month. (i.e., set the goal to document each month, day by day, to total a year...)

17. Visit D.C. for an extended vacation
           As mentioned, this trip doesn't count--two days isn't "extended", no matter how long of a time it seems to be away from work! I know it would be nearly impossible to see everything DC has to offer, but there are some typical (and not so typical) touristy things I'd like to do. Plus, it just seems so beautiful!

18. Cook the majority of a holiday meal
          I'm sure when I'm older the job of cooking a holiday meal will fall to my generation, and even possibly me. Therefore, before I hit that point, I wanna make sure I can do it! By majority of a meal, I mean a meat and a couple of sides. My family is quite large at holidays, and we always have way too much food. I don't mean a majority of the food provided, but the majority of a normal sized meal...

19. Learn to successfully curl my hair. In a reasonable amount of time.
          My current hair styling ability is straightening and leaving it down, or pulling it back. Such variety, I know. My hair can curl, however, I cannot manage to curl it. I'd love to become successful at fixing it with curls, and even to have the ability to wear it curly occasionally (when the occasion isn't me being with my friends who can fix it).

20. Own every Dr. Seuss book published
          I alluded to this earlier, when I mentioned the Happiness Bucket books, but it has been a goal of mine to own every Seuss book. While in undergrad, I used to go buy books when I was having a bad day. And what brightens a day more than silly pictures, with sillier words, all that can teach valuable lessons? At some point (in the near future) I'll organize what I have and create a list of books to get and keep that updated for the next few years!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The List, Part II

Still counting backwards, we've got numbers 20-24 below.

21. Pay off all undergraduate student loans
          While this seems ambitious (as most loans are set up for 10 year repayment, and I haven't officially started my repayment yet), I also feel like I can do it. Maybe. It's a good goal to have and work towards. Plus, it's be really nice to accomplish this one in order to help me with the next one...

22. Be credit card/debt free
          Right now, at 25 and living right at (if not above) my means, this one also seems ambitious. While the original goal was to be debt free, I'm also hoping to add to my assets by the time I'm 30, and I fully realize those things may not be paid off. Ideally, if I accomplish #21 and don't have undergraduate loans, I'd like to also not be using my credit cards to live, but rather to put big purchases on to build points. If I can manage this when I turn 30, I'll consider this accomplished.

23. Purchase/own the "Happiness Bucket" books
          Along with my somewhat child-focused desire to own Dr. Seuss books, I've also added a series of three (or more) books about teaching children to be kind to those around them. While I think I've gotten the gist of being kind to people, having little inspirational books is a little thing of mine. Plus, I was running low on ideas at this time...

24. Tour the White House
          I don't anticipate ever having "in-house" connections again, but I'd really love to go to D.C. to explore and act like a tourist! And what better way to be a tourist, than to see the White House?! There are plenty other landmarks I'd love to see (those requiring advanced notice and not), but seeing the White House (and also getting a picture in the press room) would be fabulous!

25. Go to Disney World/Disney Land
          I'd prefer to go to Disney World. Let's be real; how can you say no to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter? I'm not even sure this needs any more explanation...

...more to come!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The List, Part I

I've decided to break my list of 30 adventures into six lists of five. Mostly so my running story of adventures has more posts, and because I can't write about them all that quickly...(just being honest)

I've started at the end of my list, so numbers 25 thru 30. As I mentioned, the list took me much longer than I originally thought it would. Consequently, some of these items are less adventurous, and more odd...

26. Learn to ski/snowboard
          I've been to Colorado two separate times, once I even stayed in the mountains, but I've never even attempted to ski. I'm sure I'll be horrible at it, as my balance isn't the greatest. However, I have decent footwork, and if I'm going to break a leg, I should probably do it while I'm younger as opposed to older!

27. Go to Gamma Phi Beta Convention
          When I joined Gamma Phi Beta in 2008, I never anticipated it meaning as much as it does to me. I see my sisters go to convention and come back different individuals, more alive and on fire with the love of the sorority. I don't want to be a forever collegian (for real!) or even a forever, completely involved sister. But it's given me such great memories, I want to keep making them! Denver didn't work out for me this year, so I have my sights set on Seattle in 2014. (Plus, who doesn't want to visit Seattle?!?!)

28. Become a Certified Fitness Instructor
         This one may be a stretch--literally. I enjoy sitting on my couch, watching movies, or staring at my computer screen. However, I do also enjoy a good workout...when I decide I'm tired of the previous three things. I'm sure with a little dedication and work, it could make for a good side job. Plus, I anticipate my future career to consist of a lot of sitting, walking to meetings, and lunches at my desk. I need something to balance all of that out...

29. Go Rock Climbing
          I once dated a guy who loved to rock-climb. It didn't work out that well for us, and I have very little upper body strength to pull this off. However, there was a point in my life when I was so excited to go camp, climb and be adventurous, that it made the list. My only hope is that I work on having some sort of arm strength before this attempt, mainly so I don't completely waste a trip and embarrass myself. 

30. Try to like the NBA (specifically, go to at least 3 games and give it a fair chance).
          When I was in high school, I loved watching both high school and college basketball. When I went to college, I became an even bigger college basketball fan. However, I've never made the jump to enjoying professional basketball. I understand the guys are very talented, well-paid, and famous. But really? Can't quite stand to watch the games. With the anticipated move within the next year, there will be a NBA team with easy access in the city. Plus, my favorite MU player getting drafted helps my chances of fulfilling this goal...let's go Pacers and Pistons?

...check back next week for the previous five!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Introduction

This summer, at age 25, I've found myself still in school, (currently) still living at home with my parents, and still worried about finding a job when I graduate in less than a year. I'm working 50 hours a week while not in classes this summer, and while it does keep me busy, it also makes me excited to get on living my life. Which is a little messed up. I have a lot of things going for me, and I love it, but I also love goals, dreams and adventures!

Several of my friends have started to have great adventures--intentionally--by planning 30 things they want to do before they turn 30. So of course I've jumped on the bandwagon. It took a lot of thinking; 30 things was tough at first! After completion, I left my list alone for about a month, and am now ready to unveil! So, let the five years of adventures begin!